September 4, 2017

BITRI Public Seminar Simplifies Optimization
The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) held its twelfth Public Seminar under the topic “Practical Methods of Optimization Demystified for Various Economic Sectors.”
Senior Researcher – Electronics and Communications, Dr. Ephraim Gower’s presentation explained the practical methods of optimization to ensure that processes, decisions, and actions taken with regard to achieving a specific goal are as efficient as they can be under some given constraints. In so doing, Dr. Gower introduced the topic with a simplified illustration, defining the Optimization Process, the Algorithms and Techniques involved.
The presentation covered scenarios for Financial Investment, Electronic Circuit Design, Multi-media Forensics and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for mobile networks. For the Financial Investment sector, Dr. Gower illustrated optimizing profits using Financial Engineering or Computational Finance techniques. In relation to Multimedia Forensics, an illustration for revealing Signal-of-Interest Extraction was shown that could help in the security intelligence services sector.
Graph Coloring Algorithm was suggested to help optimize and maximize profit in the telecommunications sector looking at issues of scarce spectrum, user movement patterns and equipment re-use.
The Optimization Process was revealed to be applicable in a variety of economic sectors and scenarios sited. The audience was encouraged to engage Optimization experts at BITRI for better optimization of their business processes, attain accurate decision making, maximize possible profits, as well as minimize possible losses.