December 5, 2014

Biki Kalake holds an integrated master’s degree from University of Leeds in the field of Chemical and Mineral Engineering. Biki works as an Associate Researcher in the Nanomaterials division (specialty chemicals group). His current research includes synthesis of copper and nickel-based nanoparticles via supercritical water reactions and conventional chemical reduction. Biki is also involved in extraction of copper and nickel from high grade matte via chloride and sulphuric acid leaching. The focus of this project is to select environmentally-benign lixiviants and utilize low acid concentrations.
Biki acquired his Master of Engineering (MEng) by working on NiAl alloy powders. The powders were an important precursor material for the synthesis of Raney-type or sponge Ni catalyst. This work was part of the much larger IMPRESS (Intermetallic Materials Processing in Relation to Earth and Space Solidification) project which aimed to improve and understand the critical links between solidification processing of intermetallic alloys, the structure of the materials at the micro and nanoscale and their final mechanical, chemical and physical properties. Accordingly, Biki investigated the microstructure of gas atomized nickel aluminides (NiAl) using advanced microscopy techniques (SEM).
Biki has previously worked as BIH Project Officer for the SAiS demand-driven business incubation model to produce regional replicable mining projects.