Tenders And Expression of Interest


Project Title: Innovative Large-Scale Production of Affordable Clean Burning Solid Biofuel and Water in Southern Africa: transforming bush encroachment from a problem into a secure and sustainable energy source.

Under this project, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) seeks reliable and experienced Tipper trucks with load volumes of 40-50m3 to transport logs of Mongana and Mogonono from Inalegolo to Otjiwarongo in Namibia.


Departure Location: Inalegolo, Kgalagadi district, Botswana

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Languages Required: English and Setswana

 Transportation Details:

Load Type: Logs (Mongana and Mogonono)

Log Diameter: Less than 18cm

Log Length: 50cm

Destination: Otjiwarongo, Namibia

Total Load: 200 tonnes

Download Tender Details


Project Title: Innovative Large-Scale Production of Affordable Clean Burning Solid Biofuel and Water in Southern Africa: transforming bush encroachment from a problem into a secure and sustainable energy source.

Under this European Union (EU) funded project, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) seeks individual consultant’ for biomass chain saw harvesters training, on farm harvesting roads clearing and demonstration harvesting services.

Location: Inalegolo, Kgalagadi district, Botswana

Application Deadline: 07-July- 2023 (Midnight Gaborone, Botswana)

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Languages Required: Setswana

Consultancy period: 28 days

Download Tender Details



Supply and Construction of a Solar Power System for Water Pumping (Reserved for 100% Citizen owned Companies)

Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites local bidders registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board for Code 02 (Electrical Engineering Works and Mainatenance) Sub Code 05 (Photovoltaic Systems) to submit proposals at Maranyane House, Plot 50654, Machel Drive, Gaborone, Botswana for the Supply and Construction of a Solar Power System for Water Pumping).

A non-refundable fee of P250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents

Tenders in three (3) copies and one (1) original are to be hand-delivered not later than Friday 9 December 2022 at 0900hrs to the following address:

Maranyane House

BITRI Boardroom

Plot 50654, Fairgrounds

Machel Drive

Gaborone, Botswana

Tel: 360 7500

Tenders received after the closing date and time shall not be considered. Telephone, fax or e-mailed tenders will not be considered. All tenders shall be opened in the BITRI Boardroom.

Teneders are advised that a compulsory site meeting will be held on 16 November 2022 at 1000hrs at Dikabeta Irrigation Scheme.Bidders can contact +267 75 952 280 /72 469 639 for directions to the site.

Download Tender DetailsAny communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, or email to:

Procurement Officer, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation;

email:procurement@bitri.co.bw  TEL :+267 3607500


Tender offers are invited from the following locally registered and wholly owned citizen companies for;






Download Tender DetailsAny communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, or email to:

Procurement Officer, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation;


Supply, Installation and Management of BITRI Microsoft Software Licensing for Three Years (RESERVED FOR

Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites local bidders registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board for Code 120 Sub Code 02  to submit proposals at Maranyane House, Plot 50654, Machel Drive, Gaborone, Botswana for the Supply, Installation and Management of BITRI Microsoft Licensing for Three Years. The tender is strictly for 100% Botswana citizen owned companies.

A non-refundable fee of P250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents

Tenders in three (3) copies and one (1) original are to be hand-delivered not later than Friday  3 December 2021 at 0900hrs to the following address:

Maranyane House

BITRI Boardroom

Plot 50654, Fairgrounds

Machel Drive

Gaborone, Botswana

Tel: 360 7500


Tenders received after the closing date and time shall not be considered. Telephone, fax or e-mailed tenders will not be considered. All tenders shall be opened in the BITRI Boardroom.

Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, or email to:

Procurement Officer, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation;


Supply and Installation of Office Furniture (Reserved for 100% Botswana citizen owned companies) Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites local bidders

registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board for Code 211 Sub Code 05 and Code 213 Sub Code 06 to submit proposals at Maranyane House, Plot 50654, Machel Drive, Gaborone, Botswana for the Supply and Installation of Office Furniture. The tender is strictly for 100% Botswana citizen owned companies. There will be a mandatory site visit on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 1000 hours at BITRI Lot 3 in Kanye (Former RIIC).

A non-refundable fee of P250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents

Tenders in three (3) copies and one (1) original are to be hand-delivered not later than Friday 8th October 2021 at 0900hrs to the following address:

Maranyane House

BITRI Boardroom

Plot 50654, Fairgrounds

Machel Drive

Gaborone, Botswana

Tel: 360 7500


Tenders received after the closing date and time shall not be considered. Telephone, fax or e-mailed tenders will not be considered. All tenders shall be opened in the BITRI Boardroom.

Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, or email to:

Procurement Officer, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation; email: procurement@bitri.co.bw

      • Download Tender DetailsOpen International Tender No. BITRI 332.63/006/2020 – Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of a Computer Numerical Controlled Fiber Laser Cutter Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites companies to submit proposals for The Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of a Computer Numerical Controlled Fiber Laser Cutter. A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Payment maybe in the form of cash or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Local Companies must be registered with the Public Procurement and Disposal Board (PPADB) in the following categories: Code 203 Sub code 03 Closing Date and Time The closing date and time of the Tender is Friday 8th January 2021 before or at 0900hrs CAT. Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, facsimile or email to: Procurement Officer
        Botswana Institute of Technology Research and Innovation
        Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana
        Fax: (+267) 360 7624 Email: procurement@bitri.co.bw
    • Download Tender DetailsNotice of Extension of Closing DateOpen Domestic Tender No. BITRI 332.63/005/2020 – The Provision of Gardening, Landscaping and Maintenance Services (Reserved For 100% Citizen Owned Companies)Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites 100% citizen owned companies to submit proposals for “The Provision of Gardening, Landscaping and Maintenance Services.” Tenderers are informed that there will be a COMPULSORY SITE VISIT on Monday 16th November 2020 at 0900 hours.
      A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Payment maybe in the form of cash or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Companies must be registered with the Public Procurement and Disposal Board (PPADB) in the following categories: Code 137 Sub code 01 Closing Date and Time The closing date and time of the Tender is Friday 27th November 2020 before or at 0900hrs CAT. Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, facsimile or email to: Procurement Officer
      Botswana Institute of Technology Research and Innovation
      Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana
      Fax: (+267) 360 7650 Email: procurement@bitri.co.bw
      • Download Tender DetailsOpen Domestic Tender No. BITRI 332.63/003/2020 – Supply, Installation and Commissioning of an Oil Testing System to Analyse New and Used Oil to Determine Oil Health, Oil Contamination and Machine Wear (NanoMaterial Labs, Main Building) (Reserved for 100% Citizen Owned Companies)Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites 100% citizen owned companies to submit proposals for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of an Oil Testing System to Analyse New and Used Oil to Determine Oil Health, Oil Contamination and Machine Wear (NanoMaterial Labs, Main Building).A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Payment maybe in the form of cash or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).Companies must be registered with the Public Procurement and Disposal Board (PPADB)in the following categories: Code 211 Sub code 09Closing Date and Time: The closing date and time of the Tender is Friday 18th September 2020, at 0900hrs (CAT).Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, facsimile or email to:Lead Researcher (Nano Materials) Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana (Attention Prof J. Darkwa) Email: jdarkwa@bitri.co.bw
        Tel: (+267) 360 7500
        Fax: (+267) 360 7624
      • Download Tender DetailsNotice of Extension of Closing DateOpen Domestic Tender No. BITRI 332.63/002/2020 – The Provision of Gardening, Landscaping and Maintenance Services (Reserved For 100% Citizen Owned Companies)Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites 100% citizen owned companies to submit proposals for “The Provision of Gardening, Landscaping and Maintenance Services.” Tenderers are informed that there will be a COMPULSORY SITE VISIT on Thursday 30th July 2020 at 0900 hours.
        A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Payment maybe in the form of cash or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Companies must be registered with the Public Procurement and Disposal Board (PPADB) in the following categories: Code 137 Sub code 01 Closing Date and Time The closing date and time of the Tender is Friday 28th August 2020 before or at 0900hrs CAT. Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, facsimile or email to: Procurement Officer
        Botswana Institute of Technology Research and Innovation
        Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana
        Fax: (+267) 360 7650 Email: procurement@bitri.co.bw
    • Download Tender DetailsRe-Tender-A Design Build Contract for the Proposed Electronics Plant Workshop Facility, Lot 3 Kanye Local Tender No: 332.63/012/2019The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites tender offers from Project Management lead consortiums or joint venture companies for a design build project for the construction of a proposed Electronics Plant workshop facility at Lot 3, Kanye. The project management company must be domiciled in Botswana and registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board in the category as follows; • Code: 311 – Project Management Services
      • Sub code: 02- Construction Project Management
      • Grade and ceiling: n/a
      A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Documents may be collected during working hours between 0800hrs to 1230hrs and 1400hrs to 1630hrs with effect from Monday 4th November2019. A compulsory site visit will take place at Lot 3 Kanye (former RIIC) next to Kanye Prisons, Kanye on Tuesday 19th November 2019, starting at 1030hrs. Closing Date and Time The closing date and time of the Tender is not later than Friday 6th December 2019 at 0900hrs (GMT +2). Tenders received after the closing date and time shall not be considered. Telephone, telegraphic, telex, facsimile or e-mailed tenders will not be considered.
      Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded not later than 7 days before the closing date of tender, either in writing, facsimile or email to:
      Procurement Officer Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana Fax: (+267) 360 7624 Email: rmoarabi@bitri.co.bw or selias@bitri.co.bw
  • Download Tender DetailsOpen International Tender NO. BITRI 332.63/009/2019 – Supply and Installation of Fully Automated, High-Throughput Analyzer for Catalyst Characterization

Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites bidders to submit proposals for the Supply and Installation of Fully Automated, High-Throughput Analyzer for Catalyst Characterization. A non-refundable fee of BWP250.00 shall be paid by bidders to BITRI Accounts Office prior to collection of tender documents. Payment maybe in the form of cash or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Local companies must be registered with the Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Board in the following categories: Code 211 Sub code 09

Closing Date and Time The closing date and time of the Tender is 20 September 2019, at 0900hrs GMT +2.

Any communication concerning clarification of the contents of this invitation to bidders should be forwarded either in writing, facsimile or email to Procurement Officer:

Botswana Institute of Technology Research and Innovation Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana Fax: (+267) 360 7624 Email: procurement@bitri.co.bw


Expression of Interest (EOI)

  • Download Tender Details NON – EXCLUSIVE LICENSING OF FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – fleetell®.The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd invites suitable citizen owned Software, e services, Local Vehicle Tracking or IT Based companies to respond to the Expression of Interest (EOI).NB The EOI will remain open for a period of 1 year ending 31st October, 2024.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSING OF PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY OF ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENET (OPC)-FLY ASH (FA) KGALAGADI SAND BUILDING BLOCK/BRICK. The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd invites suitable citizen owned manufacturing companies to respond to the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the of production and supply of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) -Fly Ash (FA) Blend for Kgalagadi Sand Building Block/Brick to KSBB Brick Molding Depots across Botswana.Closing Date Responses should be received by BITRI not later than close of business (1630 hours CAT) on  14th July 2023. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVISION OF ONLINE REPUTATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES ( RESERVED FOR 100% CITIZEN-OWNED COMPANIES) .The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites suitable 100% citizen-owned companies to respond to Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Provision of Online Reputation Management (ORM) servicesBITRI will shortlist (pre-qualify) potential bidders of the EOI , companies will be invited to respond to a detailed Provision of Online Reputation Management Services Proposal.EnquiriesClarification pertaining to this EOI may be obtained between 0730-1230 hrs and 1345-1630 hrs, Mondays to Friday, or be forwarded either in writing, or email to the Procurement Officer procurement@bitri.co.bw; Phone +267 3607 650The EOI should reach the above address no later than Friday 3rd February 2023 at 0900hrs.     The EOI should be hand delivered to:Registry  Botswana Institute of Technology Research and InnovationPrivate Bag 0082,                                                                                                              Plot 506514, Machel Drive                                                                                                             Gaborone, Botswana .
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR EXCLUSIVE LICENSING OF SEDING ® SOLAR STREET LAMP V2.5  .The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd invites suitable citizen owned manufacturing companies to respond to the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Exclusive Licensing of its technology being the Seding® Solar Street Lamp v2.5.Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on 13th  January 2023 . BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late. The Senior Product Designer can be contacted at telephone number 360 7594 or smolokwane@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender Details
  • REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) PLANT AT BITRI HEADQUARTERS IN GABORONE, BOTSWANA (OPEN INTERNATIONAL).Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) invites companies and/or joint ventures to submit proposals to be considered for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of a solar PV plant at BITRI Headquarters under leasing agreement for a period of 10 years. Local companies must be registered with PPADB.Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on 14th October 2022 . BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late. The Senior Researcher-Energy can be contacted at telephone number 360 7509 or erakgati@bitri.co.bw for Additional  Annexures .
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR EXCLUSIVE LICENSING OF SEDING ® SOLAR STREET LAMP V2.5  .The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd invites suitable citizen owned manufacturing companies to respond to the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Exclusive Licensing of its technology being the Seding® Solar Street Lamp v2.5.Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on 12th August 2022 . BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late. The Senior Product Designer can be contacted at telephone number 360 7594 or smolokwane@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) PLANT . BITRI is now issuing an Expression of Interest for experienced Solar Photovoltaic (PV) developers to finance, design, construct, operate and maintain a solar PV plant at the BITRI Headquarters under a Leasing Agreement for a period of 10 years.100% Citizen-owned, PPADB Registered companies are invited to submit proposals to be considered for the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of the BITRI Headquarters solar PV plant. Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on Friday 3rd June 2022. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late. The Senior Researcher – Energy can be contacted at telephone number 360 7509 or erakgati@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsInnovative Large-Scale Production of Affordable Clean Burning Solid Biofuel and Water in Southern Africa: transforming bush encroachment from a problem into a secure and sustainable energy source.Under this European Union (EU) funded project, Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) seeks Consultants’ services.Location: Inalegolo, Kgalagadi district, BotswanaApplication Deadline: 29-January- 2022 (Midnight Gaborone, Botswana)Type of Contract: Individual ContractLanguages Required: EnglishConsultancy period: 3 weeks.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NANOFIBER FILTRATION MEMBRANE AT INDUSTRIAL SCALE. The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd and Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) invites suitable citizen owned manufacturing companies (particularly Youth, Women and People with Disabilities) to respond to the EOI to produce the Nanofiber Membrane. The parties intend to partner with a citizen owned manufacturing company that will produce the filtration nanofiber membrane at a large scale.  The production requires an industrial scale nanofiber production facility locally in Botswana to partner with BITRI and CEDA to supply local and international companies with nanofiber membrane in the air filtration sector. Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on  11 January 2022. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.The Senior Researcher – Nanomaterials can be contacted at telephone number 360 7594 or imavunkal@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NANOFIBER FILTRATION MEMBRANE AT INDUSTRIAL SCALE. The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) through its subsidiary BITRI Investments (Pty) Ltd and Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) invites suitable citizen owned manufacturing companies (particularly Youth, Women and People with Disabilities) to respond to the EOI to produce the Nanofiber Membrane. The parties intend to partner with a citizen owned manufacturing company that will produce the filtration nanofiber membrane at a large scale.  The production requires an industrial scale nanofiber production facility locally in Botswana to partner with BITRI and CEDA to supply local and international companies with nanofiber membrane in the air filtration sector. Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than 1600 hours CAT on  16 July 2021. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.The Senior Researcher – Nanomaterials can be contacted at telephone number 360 7594 or imavunkal@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NANOFIBER FILTRATION MEMBRANES TO THE BOTSWANA INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. BITRI invites suitable companies to respond to the EOI to produce the Non-Woven Nanofiber as it intends to scale up the production of the filtration nanofiber membranes. The production requires an industrial scale nanofiber production facility locally in Botswana to partner with BITRI to supply local and international companies in the air filtration sector. Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than close of business (0900 hours CAT) on Friday 22 January 2021. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.The Senior Researcher – Nanomaterials can be contacted at telephone number 360 7594 or imavunkal@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsNotice of Extension of Closing Date: Friday 21st August 2020 – (1630 CAT) – EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PROVISION OF BITRI SEDING™ LIGHT INSTALLATION SERVICES TO THE BOTSWANA INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. BITRI, under its Technologies Department and the Energy Division is desirous of engaging a group of 100% Citizen-owned, PPADB Registered Electrical Contracting Companies to be appointed as and when need arises, for the installation and/or maintenance of BITRI SEDING™ solar lights for a period not exceeding three (3) years. The selected companies will be expected to undergo induction training on installation of BITRI SEDING™ solar lights. Closing Date Extended: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than close of business (1630 hours CAT) on Friday 21st August 2020. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.The Senior Researcher – Energy can be contacted at telephone number 360 7509 or erakgati@bitri.co.bw  for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PROVISION OF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO THE BOTSWANA INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION – START-UP SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Citizen-owned Software Development Start-up Companies are invited to submit proposals to be considered for the provision of Software Development Services to BITRI. After the normal evaluation process, all short-listed companies will be included on the list of Software Development service providers to BITRI. Inclusion of a company in the list is on a non-exclusive basis. BITRI may from time to time invite any company included in the said list to provide Software Development services as desired. At its own discretion, BITRI may instruct a company not included in the list for the provision of Software Development services as BITRI might deem appropriate or beneficial.Closing Date: Responses should be received by BITRI not later than close of business (1630 hours CAT) on Wednesday 13th January 2020. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late.The Lead Researcher (IST) can be contacted at telephone number 360 7520 or ttsalaile@bitri.co.bw for further clarification.
  • Download Tender DetailsEXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES TO THE BOTSWANA INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Law firms are invited to submit proposals to be considered for engagement for the provision of legal services to BITRI. The proposals will be evaluated, and suitable firms will be selected for inclusion on the panel of legal service providers. Inclusion of a law firm is on a non-exclusive basis. BITRI may from time to time invite any firm included on the said list to provide legal services as needed.Closing Date Responses should be received by BITRI not later than close of business (1630 hours CAT) on Wednesday 4th December 2019. BITRI shall reject any responses submitted late. The Legal Services Manager can be contacted by Fax (+267) 360 7624 or email kmolefhe@bitri.co.bw for further clarification. For purposes of efficiently responding to enquiries, written communication is preferred.
  • Download Tender DetailsRequest for an Expression of Interest for the Leasing of Workshop, Cafeteria and Office Facilities Located at Plot 3 Kanye and Plot 4448 PalapyeEoI no. (332.63/007/2019)BITRI wishes to consider for an Expression of Interest (EoI) from competent Batswana-owned companies for the leasing of various workshop, cafeteria and office facilities located at Plot 3 Kanye and Plot 4448 Palapye.
    BITRI is seeking proposals from 100% citizen-owned companies indicating the proposed use and rentals to be offered to the landlord.
    Plot 3 in Kanye has the following workshop facilities;
    • Former Leatherworks
    • Former Carpentry
    • Former Blacksmith and Foundry
    • Former Bakery
    • CafeteriaExpression of Interest should be deposited in a tender box at BITRI Headquarters, Plot 50654, Samora Machel Drive, Gaborone by 28th June 2019 not later than 0900hours and marked as follows: “Expression of Interest for the Leasing of Workshop and Office Facilities – Kanye and Palapye. EoI no. (332.63/007/2019)”.Any enquiries relating to this EoI should be done in writing and directed to BITRI Procurement Office who may be contacted on telephone: 3607500 or Email procurement@bitri.co.bw before 26th June 2019.